Corporate SlowLife

Do you want to create a more positive energy within your team, improve motivation and drive productivity?

Whether you are looking for an office party idea or a team building event, my SlowLife Coaching workshops are ideal for:

De-stressing the team

Improving concentration and clarity of mind

Better problem solving / decision-making skills

Driving productivity

Boosting morale, happiness and satisfaction levels

De-stressing the team

Improving concentration and clarity of mind

Better problem solving / decision-making skills

Driving productivity

Boosting morale, happiness and satisfaction levels

My Slow Life sessions infuse a deep sense of wellbeing through participants and benefits include:

  • Learn the principles of SlowLife slowness
  • Release physical tension
  • Maintain good posture
  • Enjoy nutrition for energy (rather than comfort!)
  • Improve your mood
  • Enjoy small (guilt free!) moments of slowness within the working day that leave you refreshed and with a clear mind

Fluent in many languages, I’m more than happy to hold your session in English, Italian, French, German or Russian as you prefer.

How does it work?

Discover the effectiveness of the SlowLife Coaching & SlowLife Yoga method through various inspiring options, including tailored Teambuilding experiences. From small to large teams, each SlowLife Experience is customized to your unique corporate situation. Prior to your session, we will have a video call to establish the key areas you’d like us to focus on during your session. Following your session, participants will receive some resources to support an ongoing practice and also a Slowlife Booklet as inspiration for a harmonious work-life balance. Please contact me so that I can create an offer tailored to your needs.

Check also my SlowLife Experiences (under SlowLife Coaching) to discover other inspiring options.

Some of the Corporate SlowLife Coaching & SlowLife Yoga Experiences:

Harmonious life balance

Through a session of guided SlowLife Yoga, (a meditative yoga practice) I will share techniques and strategies of SlowLife Coaching for cultivating a fulfilling work life balance, in harmony with our deepest needs.

Burnout prevention

Through a session of guided SlowLife Yoga, (a meditative yoga practice) I will share techniques and strategies of SlowLife Coaching for recognizing the signs of burnout and cultivating a preventative approach in harmony with our needs.

Weekly SlowLife Yoga

At your company or online, this is a weekly session of SlowLife Yoga customized to the needs of your teams. Each week we explore a different theme in response to the current challenges of the working environment. Sometimes we focus on a specific part of our anatomy, other times incorporating SlowLife Coaching and considering how to integrate what we experience on the mat in everyday working life. This will always include a focus on improved posture and better breathing.

Aperitivo SlowLife

In a beautiful location, we will begin with a relaxing SlowLife Yoga session to release physical and mental tension. From here, in this calm state, we will enjoy a refreshing Aperitivo and playfully share our impressions with our colleagues and collaborators.

One Day SlowLife Retreat

  • Forest bathing and meditative walks to awaken the five senses
  • SlowLife Yoga to reconnect with our physical and mental self
  • SlowLife Coaching to improve the skills of deep listening, and how to incorporate healthy habits in daily work and personal life
  • Develop closer connections with colleagues and collaborators

Forest Bathing Experience

Using the energising and healing power of trees, your SlowLife Forest Bathing Experience will awaken and reconnect you with your five senses, which we are often disconnected from, in our busy urban and virtual world.

Do you want your team to start the week with a clear and focused mind?
I’ve got the perfect Monday morning remedy!

To start the week in such a way, really helps your team to release their physical and mental tension and be able to fully focus on the week ahead… It also shows that you care about the wellbeing of your staff; and the bonus is… you get to enjoy the positive results!


What my clients say about me

Let's get in touch