La mia esperienza professionale è iniziata e si è sviluppata per molti anni tramite la piattaforma Airbnb. In tale contesto ho conseguito svariati riconoscimenti e premi, ricevendo più di 700 recensioni positive. Nel 2020, all’inizio del periodo pandemico, sono stata selezionata, assieme ad altri 5 hosts su oltre 5000 esperienze, allo scopo di verificare la trasformazione della mia proposta dalla modalità in presenza alla modalità online. In questo modo ho potuto estendere la mia offerta a una moltitudine di imprese italiane ed estere, in un’ottica di miglioramento di benessere dei loro team.

Tra i miei clienti posso annoverare
Barilla, Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, Ebay, Golf Club Ugolino, Capital One.
Ho anche partecipato come Slow Life Yoga ai programmi televisivi “Casa Beau” per RTL 4 Olanda e “Best Weekend/Chianti” per Nove Warner Bros. Discovery Italia.
About me
Ho avuto la fortuna di crescere con l’antica saggezza tradizionale dei miei nonni. Sono nata e cresciuta a Parigi ma vengo da Berlino dove ho studiato e vissuto dodici anni prima di trasferirmi a Firenze nel 2000. Ora vivo tra Firenze e Parigi.
Ho conseguito la laurea in Scienza delle Comunicazioni ed Economia alla FHTW di Berlino e il diploma di “Coach Nutrizionale” presso il CFD di Bruxelles. Ho concluso il percorso di certificazione “200-hour Yoga Teacher Training” presso la scuola “Yoga Garden”.
La mia vita professionale è molto intensa, motivo per cui è importante per me praticare lo “Slow Life – La vita lenta” ogni giorno.
Sarei felice di condividere con voi il modo di renderlo possibile.
Oltre al francese, parlo fluentemente inglese, tedesco, russo e ovviamente italiano!
Parigina innamorata della Toscana, il mio amore per il cibo, lo yoga e la natura mi hanno portato a creare FiloCIBOsofia Slow Life, che è cresciuto ed è diventato “Slowlife Coaching & Slowlife Yoga”.
Tutto questo ha dato vita a un’arte di vivere, una filosofia di vita che è “SlowLife is #quietluxury”.
A beautiful, welcoming and healing energy
I can not say enough about how wonderful my experience was. Sandrine has a beautiful, welcoming and healing energy.

Absolutely amazing
Sandrine is absolutely amazing and shares her gifts in such a supportive way. The transformation and expansion that is available to you after spending time with Sandrine is phenomenal. I felt like a different person after spending the afternoon with her.

SlowLife session was incredible
Meeting Sandrine is a gift in itself and the SlowLife session was incredible. I had neck/shoulder pain before doing this experience. After this experience, my neck and shoulders were relieved. I also have been getting better sleep! I learned additional lessons for my physical, emotional, and mental well-being from Sandrine’s SlowLife method that I will carry for the rest of my life.

Beautiful experience
After receiving a message from Sandrine prior to our meeting, I had great expectations & she delivered! It was a life changing beautiful experience for my daughter and me!

I would 100% recommend this
This was a priceless experience. I really enjoyed my time with Sandrine and found the time to be incredibly healing and very meditative. She is such a thoughtful individual and she made this an extremely memorable and touching experience.

Lovely one on one experience with Sandrine
I felt so good during and after the session. Sandrine made me fall in love with the Slow Life concept and I am excited to join more of her sessions and retreats. I think this is an important session for everyone looking to learn how to live peacefully with themselves and enjoy the simple pleasures of life

I had a wonderful experience with Sandrine
I immediately felt comfortable when we met. It is clear that Sandrine is passionnante about what she does and lives it. She has a very serene and grounding presence. I found her to be very open, intuitive and she helped me get clarity on an area that I wanted to work on. I really enjoyed the slow pace of the yoga which surprisingly had a deeply relaxing effect, which carried on all afternoon and night. I definitely felt the slow life effect and highly recommend this experience if you want to take time to reconnect with yourself.

A tailored approach
As soon as you are greeted by Sandrine you straight away feel comfortable and at ease. Sandrine asked all the right questions to get to know me and understand my needs and tailored her approach to meet them. I felt relaxed and with a new perspective! It’s amazing how nutrition could impact our body and mind and her tips/advice were very useful!

She was the Best
She has amazingly healthy spirit and knows what real 'Slow Life' should be. The way she talks, communicate with guests was amazing too.
한국분들을 위해 짧게 남겨요. 정말 최고였습니다! 절대 후회 안하실거에요

This was a gift to myself
I enjoyed every minute of it. I have done yoga many times, but this was unique and special. I left with many tips, feeling calm, and promising myself to return for a retreat very soon. Thanks so much Sandrine!

Sandrine is amazing!
! She has a true gift of connecting with her guests and makes everyone feel welcome and special. It is obvious that she loves pampering and nurturing people while sharing her insights into how to better care for ourselves. I had tears in my eyes when she gave me a hug goodbye.

Merci beaucoup Sandrine
Sandrine is a beautiful person inside and out. She effortlessly radiates so much positive energy which transfers to everything she does, everyone she connects with and the surrounding environment.

Il mio mantra quotidiano
“Quando hai fretta, cammina lentamente.”
– Proverbio indiano –